April 17 is World Haemophilia Day. The theme for 2022 is “Access for All: Partnership, Policy, Progress. Engaging your government, integrating inherited bleeding disorders international policy”
One of the things that I missed the most since being in a wheelchair, was not being able to go to the beach (Walter's favourite place - and much as he loved the beach, he wanted mum with him). This Beach wheelchair enables me to do just that.
I'd like to make this accessible to as many people as possible - which is why I'd like to hire it out to families who would need this to enable all family members to enjoy New Zealand's wonderful coastline. It comes apart quickly and easily for transport. Click below to find out more.
April 17 is World Haemophilia Day. The theme for 2022 is “Access for All: Partnership, Policy, Progress. Engaging your government, integrating inherited bleeding disorders international policy”
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